Posted on 18-11-2007
Filed Under (Month 2) by Tegan

An interesting week this week.

Tegan sitting in her chair

Sunday as I had already posted we went to the zoo :-), (see previous post)

Monday – I went to the doctors (see previous post),
Daddy stayed home sick, poor daddy had a fever, we are all hoping I don’t catch daddy’s cold/flu/chest infection.
Grandma flew back in the evening, after a 2 hour delay. Miss my Grandma, but only a few more weks I’ll be back in Australia.

Tuesday – Daddy Day.  Mummy went to work and I spent the afternoon with Daddy, I would sleep for 5-30 min, then be awake for 30min a play, then feed for 30min. I only ate 2 ounces after last week of going through about 6, guzzling the first 2onces in 5min.

Wednesday – Was a sleepy day. In the afternoon I went into work with Mummy and think I slept for nearly the whole afternoon at fighting fish.  So I sleep a lot better, when moving around and around lots of shouting and yelling, than staying at home in nice comfortable bed with peace and quiet.

Thursday – Aunty Carol came around to look after me.  (Aunty Carol is the lady that mum has got to come in twice a week to look after me while Daddy and Mummy go to work, She is a Grandma herself and was very nice and caring.)
So Mummy went to work and Daddy stayed home to show Aunty Carol the ropes, we had a fun time together, I refused to sleep and wanted to eat, play and have nappy changed most of the afternoon 🙂

Friday – Again went into work with Mummy, So I went to work as much as Daddy this week. I had a great sleep in my Baby Bjoin again.  Then after the lesson and after mummy had a swim I had my 1st swim lesson (see previous post for video)

Tegan's 1st Swim Lesson

Ahhhh that's warmer :-)

Saturday – Was a sleepy day at home, again in the morning I stayed at home with Daddy and Mummy went to work for two hours.  I had a lovely shower with Dad – I love my shower and look so fresh and clean afterwards.  In the afternoon we all went to Great World City to pick up the crossstitch and frame that Grandma made for me… it looks fantastic (will post a picture soon!)

New Toys

Sunday – 7 weeks old today 🙂 WOW!! it has gone soo fast. Here I am with some new toys in my chair 🙂

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