Posted on 27-01-2008
Filed Under (Month 4) by Tegan

Wow 17 weeks old today, I am 4 months old on Wednesday, time just goes sooo fast. Can’t believe I have been back in Singapore for 2 weeks already.

The past week we have been getting back into a routine.  Mummy tries to get me to have a morning and afternoon nap and then to bed about 9pm.  I still don’t like going to sleep, I might miss something. But have been getting a good 2-2.5hr sleep in the afternoons.

Here are some pics from this week.

In my jeans

In my jeans when I went to the fighting fish steering commitee meeting

These are from the American club waiting for mummy who was in a fighting fish meeting.

On Friday I went to fighting fish and went for a swim afterwards, I am really enjoying my swimming now 🙂

 I really enjoys the water

Big Smiles

Yahhh!!! the water

Yesterday Mum and Dad set up a play area for me, I have got so mobile that a little mat on the floor is not BIG enough, I have got great at rolling from my Back to Front and can spin myself around and “crawl”[ok nose plant:-) ]

Here is my new play area

Me with the Pooh gang :-)

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