Posted on 03-06-2008
Filed Under (month 8, swimming) by Tegan

Its been a busy couple of weeks, last week was the last week of Fighting Fish for the season, they had the Banquet on Sunday 24th May. You can see a pic of me with my present – Mr Shark in the previous updates. It was a good night except I got a little overwhelmed with all the attention and noise level.

Also last week Aunty Kathleen came back to visit (As mentioned before she is actually my great great Aunty, Dad’s Dad’s Aunty) It was wonderful for us all to see her again before she headed back home to England.

With Aunty Kathleen

With Aunty Kathleen

With Aunty Kathleen

Aunty and dad came to watch my swimming lesson with Coach Ann. I really love the water and getting quite good. On Wednesday there were 2 new kids in my swimming class so I had to show them what to do and was the model 🙂
Here are a few pics of swimming lesson, the videos have alreay been posted. Dad said that my new bikini was far too sexy 🙂

Me at Swimming lessons

After swim lessons we went to the Botanical Gardens for coffee and cake, yummy.

Coffee and Cake at Botanical Gardens

Then had a look around the Gift Shops, lots of wind chimes 🙂

I am so clever now, I can crawl and stand up on things and sit back up by myself.
HeHe Daddy gets frustrated trying to put a nappy on, because I roll over then bring my kness up under me and roll to sitting, the other day he decided ok I’ll put your nappy on your head 🙂

My new Hat

On Sunday Mum and Dad rearranged the house and made a new play area for me 🙂 It’s really cool.

My New Play Area

My New Play Area

Learning my alphabet 🙂 A B C …

The best thing about my new area is there’s the table I can pull up on and watch TV 🙂

Watching TV

Watching Mr Bean

I have noticed that Fire Fox doesn’t format properly so best viewed in IE

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